Resident registration number (Burgerservicenummer: BSN)
Everyone who lives in the Netherlands for four months or longer should be registered in the municipal personal records database (Gemeentelijke Basis Administratie; “GBA”). They are referred to as residents. When you immigrate to the Netherlands and register yourself with the GBA, you normally receive a BSN within 4 weeks after registration. A BSN is a number with which you can be identified by a number of government and non-government organizations.

Non-resident Registration (Registratie Niet Ingezetenen; “RNI”)
People who do not live in the Netherlands or who stay in the Netherlands for less than four months are not registered in the GBA and do not receive a BSN.
Non-residents sometimes also deal with Dutch government organizations. For example because they work or live temporarily in the Netherlands, or because they resided in the Netherlands in the past and now live abroad and receive a pension. The RNI is a registration number the Dutch government uses to identify these people.

RNI registration
Non-residents can obtain an RNI number when they visit an RNI desk in person. The conditions are that the person must be able to provide proof of their identification and have a foreign home address.

There are 18 Dutch municipalities that have an RNI Desk:
Alkmaar, Almelo, Amsterdam, Breda, Den Haag, Doetinchem, Eindhoven, Goes, Groningen/Eemshaven, Heerlen, Leeuwarden, Leiden, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Terneuzen, Utrecht, Venlo, Zwolle.

Need help?
We can assist you with your RNI or BSN registration. For example we can arrange a meeting, providing information on the necessary documentation and also accompany you to the municipality or the RNI Desk.

Please contact us!